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Clubs & Activities

Spirit of Excellence

Clubs & Activities

At Helias Catholic we believe in a well-rounded education, where extra-curricular activities are an extension of the classroom to explore special interests, discover passions, and form lasting friendships. Our goal is to inspire each student to actively participate in our school’s diverse range of opportunities to build community, fostering personal growth, teamwork and leadership development. Our activities program encourages students to practice balance between their committment to extra-curricular invovlement and dedication to achieving academic excellence so they can thrive through meaningful engagement in our Crusader community.


  •  Academic Team

    Academic Team (Scholar Bowl) includes students from all grades on both a junior varsity and a varsity team. This is a MSHSAA-sanctioned event culminating with district, sectional and state tournaments for qualifying teams. Students can earn a varsity letter through their participation. Most tournaments are on Saturdays beginning in November and continuing through spring, in addition to a few local after-school matches throughout the year. The Academic Team coach is Mrs. Stephanie Worthen.

    Epsilon Beta

    Epsilon Beta promotes literacy, talks books, and participates in service opportunities through the Helias Catholic library. The club meets monthly and hosts various activities and events throughout the year. There is a yearly Epsilon Beta conference. The faculty adviser is Mrs. Sarah Kempker.

    French Club

    French Club is for students studying French or who are interested in French language and culture. French Club meets monthly for an activity to enrich understanding of one of the world's most prominent cultures. The faculty adviser is Mrs. Hannah McAllister.

    French Honor Society

    Starting the second semester of French II, students are eligible to apply for La Societé Honoraire de Français. Students must meet high academic standards and wish to grow stronger in their study of French through this group. Meetings are once a month through the school year. This is open to students enrolled in French II, III and IV. The faculty adviser is Mrs. Hannah McAllister.

    Medical Club

    Medical Club is geared toward students interested in a career in the medical field. The club brings in guest speakers from the medical community, hones skills at suture tying, explores post-secondary educational programs, goes on field trips, and works on CPR and first aid training. Medical Club typically has three meetings each semester. Mrs. Abby Brown is the faculty adviser.

    National Honor Society

    National Honor Society recognizes seniors and juniors who have distinguished themselves in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service and character. NHS is a nationwide organization under the auspices of the National Association of Secondary School Principals. Juniors may apply to join NHS in the fall semester. The faculty adviser for NHS is Mrs. Whitney Toosley.


    Tri-M Honor Society is an international music honor society and service organization designed to recognize students for academic and musical achievements and to inspire other students to excel in music and leadership. Students may apply for membership in August and attend meetings and participate in service projects throughout the year. Students selected for Tri-M show outstanding scholarship, leadership, service and character. Students must be enrolled in a music class to participate in Tri-M. Mrs. Cara Borghardt is the faculty adviser.


  • Academic Team

    Academic Team (Scholar Bowl) includes students from all grades on both a junior varsity and a varsity team. This is a MSHSAA-sanctioned event culminating with district, sectional and state tournaments for qualifying teams. Students can earn a varsity letter through their participation. Most tournaments are on Saturdays beginning in November and continuing through spring, in addition to a few local after-school matches throughout the year. The Academic Team coach is Mrs. Stephanie Worthen.

    Archery Team

    Archery Team is open to students of all experience levels in archery. Practices begin in December, with tournaments scheduled through the MoNASP State Tournament in March. The Archery Team coach is Mr. Ken Farris.


    Helias Catholic’s varsity cheer squad cheers at every football game, home and away, during the fall, in addition to senior nights of other fall sports. In the winter three cheer squads cheer at home games for varsity boys basketball, varsity girls basketball and wrestling. Varsity cheer competes in the CMAC competition. Ms. Kenadi Trachsel is the head cheerleading coach.

    Dance Team

    The Helias Catholic Dance Explosion dances at all home football games and varsity basketball games to promote school spirit.The team also dances at various events within the community to represent Helias Catholic. The team competes at the conference, regional and state levels. The Dance Explosion coach is Ms. Alex Kendall.


    E-Sports is a fall and spring sport where teams compete against other schools online playing Overwatch, Rocket League, Super Smash Bros and Valorant. Each team meets for practices twice a week and has a game once a week. Mrs. Audrey Mengwasser is the faculty advisor.

    Fishing Team

    Fishing Team is a competitive team through the National Youth Fishing Association. All levels of fishing skill and knowledge are welcome. Meetings are scheduled every other week during the spring, and the program runs from March through June. The team leader is Mr. Chip Malmstrom.

    Robotics Team

    Robotics Team builds and programs robots for the FIRST Tech Challenge. The team starts in late August and travels at least four Saturdays for competition during the winter. Robotics Team also participates in outreach programs for middle school robotics and service projects. Mrs. Melissa Rockers is the faculty advisor.

    Shotgun Sports Team

    Shotgun Sports Team is a co-ed sports team open to all students who have an interest in the various disciplines of clay target shooting. Students do not need to have experience or equipment to start. Students practice mostly trap but also learn and compete in skeet, sporting clays and 5-Stand. Members can earn a varsity letter in shotgun sports. Shotgun Sports Team practices and competes throughout the entire school year. Practices are once a week, and most competitions are on weekends. The Shotgun Sports Team coach is Mr. Ed Twehous.

    Competitive Theatre, Speech and Debate

    Do you like the spotlight? Do you enjoy a good story or a good argument? Competitive Theatre, Speech, and Debate could be for you! The faculty advisor is Mr. William Schatte.

  •  Art Club

    Art Club meets monthly to make fun art projects, meet real working artists and learn about their work, and create art-related events and fundraisers. All students are welcome; there is no requirement to be enrolled in an art class to participate in Art Club. The faculty advisor is Mrs. Lauren Holland.

    Chess Club

    Chess Club meets after school biweekly in the Helias Catholic library. The faculty advisor is Mr. Matt Plank.

    Classics Club

    The goal of the Classics Club is to provide meaningful activities for students related to classical studies (ancient Rome and Greek language, literature, culture, mythology, etc.). Gatherings are held at least monthly. The faculty advisor is Mr. Mark Rehagen.

    Cycling Club

    Cycling Club offers a range of opportunities for cyclists of all abilities to get out and enjoy the world on two wheels. Rides include Jefferson City’s Greenways, the Katy Trail, mountain bike trails at Binder Park, city streets, low-volume county roads, and even parades. More often than not the rides include time to socialize with stops for ice cream, doughnuts, or even a campfire with s’mores. Rides are generally held on Saturday mornings or Friday evenings four or five times each semester. All rides are led by a cycling instructor certified by the League of American Cyclists. The club sponsor is Mr. David Bange.

    Growing With God

    The faculty advisor for Growing With God is Mr. Luke Yarnell.

    International Club

    Each month International Club highlights a different culture at its meeting visiting local restaurants. All students are welcome. Mrs. Hannah McAllister is the faculty advisor.

    Life Runners

    The faculty advisor for Life Runners is Ms. Krista Massman.

    Pickleball Club

    The faculty advisors for Pickleball Club are Mr. Victor Bell, Mrs. Grace Thomas, and Mr. Luke Yarnell.

    Ping Pong Club

    Ping Pong Club provides paddles, ping pong balls and tables. Students are welcome to bring their own equipment. Just show up and have fun! The faculty advisor is Mr. Chip Malmstrom.


    SPROUTS (Students for the Preservation of Resources and On-Campus Utilization of Techniques for Sustainability) is a student-led environmental program focused on making Helias Catholic a cleaner, greener school. It offers a place for students to help decrease waste and improve the well-being of the planet. SPROUTS meets once a month to organize and carry out earth-related projects and advocate for an eco-friendly lifestyle. It aims to keep our community clean and reduce our carbon footprint. Mr. Steve Wilson is the faculty advisor.

    Theatre Guild

    The Helias Catholic Theatre Guild is our in-house theatre troupe that provides students with performance and technical opportunities on the school campus. The faculty advisor is Mrs. Tracy Wegman.


    Z Club is made up of high school students who work to empower girls and women through service and advocacy. Through the Z Club program, members work to bring Zonta International’s mission to empower women through service and advocacy to students around the world and to stimulate new and meaningful student-led service and advocacy projects locally. Studnets join Z Club to develop leadership skills, explore career alternatives, improve international understanding of women’s issues, and participate in service projects geared towards helping others, especially girls and women. Monthly meetings are held throughout the school year. This club is assisted by the Zonta Club of Jefferson City. The club sponsor is Carrie Spicer.


  •  Peer Ministry

    As spiritual leaders among the student body, peer ministers are tasked with making Campus Ministry FOR students, BY students. Peer ministers apply and are selected through an interview process at the end of their junior year and serve during their senior year; these students must enroll in the year-long Peer Ministry theology course, which focuses on formation and discipleship so students can serve the school community and share the faith. Primary ways peer ministers serve include planning and execution of student retreats and school liturgies. The director of Campus Ministry is Mr. Zach Rockers.

    Student Ambassadors

    Student Ambassadors represent Helias Catholic and demonstrate hospitality in a variety of ways, such as accompanying visitors on tours of the school, hosting visiting students on “shadow” days, and facilitating community events such as the annual Open House. Serving as a Student Ambassador a great way to learn about the mission and history of Helias Catholic and to improve leadership and public speaking skills. Student Ambassadors are available to help during the school day periodically and at certain weekend and evening events. The club advisor is Mrs. Sharon Fennewald.

    Student Council

    Student Council provides programs and activities that help to create a positive learning environment and to develop positive student leaders within our school community. Student Council organizes student events and activities that increase school spirit and the overall culture of our school, as well as raise funds and support local organizations. Student Council promotes leadership and fosters an environment to empower young adults to voice their concerns and ideas. Meetings are monthly throughout the year. Mrs. Elizabeth Twyman, Ms. Rachel Lutz and Mrs. Abby Brown are the faculty advisors.


  • Band

    Helias Catholic is home to the Marching Crusaders during marching band season, in addition to Concert Band during the rest of the school year. The director of bands is Mr. Tom Smyth.

    Concert Choir

    Helias Catholic’s Concert Choir is the audition-level vocal music performance ensemble. Concert Choir performs at various concerts as well as school and community events throughout the year. The choir director is Mrs. Cara Borghardt.

    Dance Team

    The Helias Catholic Dance Explosion dances at all home football games and varsity basketball games to promote school spirit.The team also dances at various events within the community to represent Helias Catholic. The team competes at the conference, regional and state levels. Ms. Alex Kendall is the Dance Explosion coach.

    Drum Line Club

    Drum Line Club provides Helias Catholic percussionists an opportunity to mentor young percussionists from other local schools. The club serves as a chance for avid percussionists to share their passion with others while also bolstering their own skills.

    Liturgical Choir

    Part of Helias Catholic Campus Ministry’s music ministry program, the Liturgical Choir trains students to prepare music, cantor, and lead music within the context of the Liturgy of the Church, primarily through school Masses. Meetings provide opportunities for students to learn liturgy planning born out of daliy scripture and various teachings of the Church regarding the importance of music ministry within a liturgical context. The advisor is Ms. Amy Pringer.

    Living Praise

    Part of Helias Catholic Campus Ministry’s music ministry program, Living Praise fosters students’ ability to use music in spontaneous prayer. Regular meetings allow for students to exercise comfort in leading praise and worship, and Living Praise serves in various times of praise and worship within our school community. The faculty advisor is Mr. William Schatte.

    Spring Musical

    Helias Catholic’s annual spring musical welcomes all students to be a part of the performance, either on stage or backstage as a part of the stage crew, light or sound crew along with costume and makeup. Auditions for the spring musical are held in December. Amy Pringer is the spring musical director.

    Competitive Theatre, Speech and Debate

    Do you like the spotlight? Do you enjoy a good story or a good argument? Competitive Theatre, Speech, and Debate could be for you! The faculty advisor is Mr. William Schatte.

    Theatre Guild

    The Helias Catholic Theatre Guild is our in-house theatre troupe that provides students with performance and technical opportunities on the school campus. The faculty advisor is Mrs. Tracy Wegman.


    Tri-M Honor Society is an international music honor society and service organization designed to recognize students for academic and musical achievements and to inspire other students to excel in music and leadership. Students may apply for membership in August and attend meetings and participate in service projects throughout the year. Students selected for Tri-M show outstanding scholarship, leadership, service and character. Students must be enrolled in a music class to participate in Tri-M. Mrs. Cara Borghardt is the faculty advisor.